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Flower and Water Garden at the Warrior Motel


We are traveling east along old, two lane, US 19, heading for the Eastern Gateway of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and Cherokee, NC. The day is cold, dark and rainy; especially cold for mid July. Not a day to be a tourist. But here we are.

The main highways into the Smokies, the most visited national park in the country, these day are four lane divided. But, we being us, tend to take the roads less traveled. This stretch of hilly, winding rain soaked asphalt is perfect, except for the rain soaked part. Our approach to Cherokee was like being dropped-kicked back four or five decades.The old route was lined with motor courts from the fifties, quaint old tourist homes,and trailer parks. The place reeked with nostalgia. Nothing resembling the 21st century. Perfect, just perfect.

Naturally, we stopped to photograph some of those grand old motel signs, in spite of the rain. Actually, because of the weather, the image tells my story far better than the same scene shot on a bright, sunny day. A somber scene of a time past, a simpler time we may yearn for.

Sometimes your photos are better because of bad weather and not in spite of it. Less than perfect weather usually results in better than average images.

How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home.

___ William Faulkner

As I mentioned in my previous post, “Details,” I have been interested in the concept of using my iPhone and iPad to create posts for my WordPress blog. The idea is appealing. My first attempt with the “Details” post was frustrating and I’d say unsuccessful. I had to finish the post on my desktop. This post, however, is coming together nicely. I am pleased with the processing I was able to do with the photograph and the app I am using to create the post is working well. At least so far.

My verdict: However appealing the idea of creating awesome blog posts, with just a phone and tablet, while sitting beneath a palm tree on a beach sipping a Margarita may be, the reality is, the quality of the images from a phone is not very good. The apps available are not reliable and robust enough. Admittedly, my expectations are high and my experiment is just that.


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